Our Philosophy of Teaching and Learning
Our Vision For Our Children
We want our children to have an image of themselves as powerful, capable, life-long learners.We want our children to go to school as confident capable, learners and communicators, who are well prepared socially, emotionally, physically and cognitively. We want them to be able to sit, listen, attend and formulate their own ideas and questions; to have the confidence to speak in front of others and listen
to other points of view; to have the ability to make decisions and to problem solve; to be able to look after their own belongings; to have the courage to have a go, take a risk and see challenges as learning opportunities; we want them to be able to use the tools for writing, painting and creating independently; we want them to be able to follow directions, understand the rules required for playing a game; to be persistent and persevere and secure in the knowledge that learning new things sometimes takes a lot of practise. We want our children to have an image of themselves as powerful, capable life-long learners, able to set their own learning goals and challenges with an understanding of the strategies and dispositions they need to develop to achieve their goals.
How We Achieve This Vision
We aim to instil in our children a love of learning and enquiry.
- Valuing emergent curriculum and spontaneous play and using children's interests as a means for further planning and/or extension into project work
- Providing regular routines for kai and mat-times where all come together as a community and children have security of knowing the pattern of the day
- Providing authentic and meaningful, hands-on experiences for children to foster children's literacy, mathematics, science, physical challenge and exploration
- Natural inclusion of Te Reo Māori, waiata and Te Ao Māori so all children are exposed to the bicultural heritage of Aotearoa including Environmental Sustainability Practices
- Valuing and maintaining a connectedness with the wider community
- Developing close, respectful and reciprocal relationships with children and their families and whānau
- Getting to know each child well, their strengths, interests and aspirations
- Having an image of the child as a capable and active participant/collaborator in their own learning
- Employing passionate teachers who observe, notice, recognise and respond to children's interests
- Providing an interesting, stimulating and inviting learning environment that provides opportunities for self choice, exploration and challenge
- Showing respect for, and inclusion of aspects of the cultures of all children attending the centre
- Valuing child and whānau contributions to the programme
The Educators
- Are passionate teachers who strive for excellence
- Have a growth mindset and are reflective practitioners
- Work to understand each child's thinking
- Are highly collaborative and work effectively as a team
- Difficulties are seen as challenges that help each person learn and grow
- Learn with and alongside children and see themselves as life-long learners