8:30amChildren Arrive & Hang Up Their Bags
Self Choice Programme for indoor and outdoor play. Children choose their own activity from the wide range available. A rich core curriculum is provided at all times. This is supplemented by activities and experiences planned around a particular focus based on the observed interests of children.
9:50amTidy Up Time
Encourages children to take personal responsibility, ownership and develop social skills.
10:00amMat Time
All children come together for mat-time. This provides opportunities for children to develop:
- literacy and numeracy skills
- a capacity to listen and maintain concentration
- confidence to express themselves to a large group
- contribute to group discussion
- waiata, song and dance
- understanding concepts of print
- enjoyment of books, stories and music.
10:30amMorning Tea
Good hygiene practices are developed. Children develop independence and self help skills and develop communication and social skills while they are eating in small groups.
10:45amSelf Choice Programme for indoor and outdoor play.
11:50amTidy Up Time
As with morning tea, children eat their lunch in the covered kai courtyard around tables of five or six children. Good social and eating habits are encouraged.
12:30pmHome Time
Afternoon Session (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) or Extension Programme (Tuesday and Thursday).
Extension Session
This programme is designed to extend our 4 year old children and develop their knowledge, skills and attitudes to learning. Working in smaller groups allows more in-depth exchange of ideas on a wide range of activities and learning areas.